Many Moods Music Group
Music Publishing/Licensing/Promotions/Distribution
Thank you for allowing us to put you ahead of the game in the music and entertainment industries, allowing your product to be heard in various markets while building your fan base, increasing sales and creating opportunities of various kinds around the world.
Globally grown we're helping artists and indie labels to become globally known through radio, television, magazines, e-zines, the world wide web and other media..
We're engaged in marketing and promoting new and independent talent in various markets. Our promotional team and our publishing label will handle your music campaign from start to finish. We'll make sure all your I's are dotted and all your T's are crossed. With our dedicated services, you'll help take your music career to the next level of success....
More About Many Moods Music Group
Since 2012 Many Moods Music Group has been assisting indie artists and labels to publish, promote, and market their products worldwide. Our full service radio campaigns starts with you and ends with your success.
From copyrights, publishing, licensing, distribution, promotion and marketing, we help you get your music to radio and taste makers in the entertainment industries.
Our Promotion and marketing teams have years of experience in successfully promoting music to radio, print, online and other decision makers in various venues, as well as gaining you new fans.
Experience growth in fans, sales, gigs and popularity in the industry.
Submit your project today for consideration today.
Call us now for a free consultation today to discuss your music campaign.